I am Musing Hobbit. This is my creative mosh pit full of poetry, prose, visual art, and community. I create to make my Granny and Grandpa proud. bean station raised, chattanooga living, shire dreaming.

connection > networking

community > self

I am not an entrepreneur, I am artist

art you love

Smash the STORE button to find art ranging from abstract acrylics to Southern Literature tales that explore faith and love on the spectrum.

hi! i am musing hobbit and it is rad of you to join the mosh pit

I am a Chattanooga-based writer driven by my unending commitment to building community. If you are reading this bio, your story and life matter to me. Through unbridled wonder, I pour my passion into every interaction and sentence. There is not a crack in the sidewalk that does not fascinate me, nor a brush stroke I do not want to ask about.